Community 3D Printing

When most services are taken over by corporate conglomerates support your community and economy.

Our mission is to bring the maker community together.

Support the maker community by printing your 3D models quickly and easily with local vendors. If you have a 3D model and need it printed, or if you want to sell your services as a vendor, Make3D is here to help.

Our objective is to enhance the 3D printing experience.

Unlike big printing services or freelancers on Etsy, Make3D is a safe and secure way to get your models printed and shipped with a quality guarantee. No need to print in China and wait months for shipping or rely on vendors or freelancers you know nothing about.

Still not sure. Give it a try.

Make3D helps you access local 3D printing services for your 3D models, props, and prototypes. Using Make3D is easy and quick. You work directly with the 3D printer, who provides a print estimate in real-time. Try out Make3D today, and start printing!


We in make3d believe in power of makers bringing the printer owner and people who build together. From makers for makers.

© 2021 MAKE3D
